a past era

Abundance, joy, and distinction. A progressive and modern context.

Vela re-establishes a bygone hospitality, encompassing an era of 1920 to 2020. A memorable and celestial experience, enter a new world with a focus on quality and craft.

Technology and Sustainability

Vela believes in technology as a tool to set people free, and to make the work we do more meaningful.

Sustainability isn’t a global trend to be sold as a product but an inherent core concept of Vela that guides not only the food and drinks, but the quality of life for staff and guests alike. Vela will exemplify the balance between financial, ecological, emotional, and psychological sustainability.

The Team

The team of industry leading chefs, bartenders, and servers lead by Amanda Bradley (Alo, George) and Robin Goodfellow (Bar Raval, Prettyugly) will make a large impact on a local, national and global level.

Robin Goodfellow
Bar Raval, Prettyugly
Amanda Bradley
Alo, George
A historical photograph of Vela's building at King & Portland in Toronto.


King & Portland dwellers regain access to a beautifully historic building with an upgraded design. By not only offering live music but also energetic drinks, earthly cuisine, in a more than refreshing space, Vela stands alone in Toronto.